Halloween Countdown Widget, WordPress Plugin released!
Just in time for the spookiest holiday of them all, we’re happy to present our newest WordPress plugin, our Halloween Countdown Widget! Grab it for free!
Just in time for the spookiest holiday of them all, we’re happy to present our newest WordPress plugin, our Halloween Countdown Widget! Grab it for free!
Create your own functionality plugin so that you can take your custom functions with you when you switch themes!
I’m so happy to announce our first free Christmas WordPress theme, ChristmasPress, is coming soon! And yes… I said free!
I don’t know about you guys, but I have a bad habit of misspelling certain words, but with this snippet, I don’t have to worry about it.
I’m super happy to announce the release of our first Christmas WordPress plugin, Santa’s Christmas Countdown Widget.
You can give your comments section a more personalized look by setting a custom gravatar for your WordPress blog.
You can easily set it up so that each time you add a new post to your WordPress, or any site with a RSS feed enabled, it is automatically posted to your Twitter, then your facebook!
I know this has nothing to do with Christmas or webmastering in general, but I thought I would share incase anyone else has this issue and happens to stumble upon this post.
When a user highlights text on a website it turns blue by default, but you can easily change this to some other snazzy color scheme with this simple CSS trick. It’s fun to play around with different colors, try red and white for a candy cane look!
If you’re anything like me, you don’t want to settle for a run-of-the-mill countdown. You want a Christmas countdown to match your site, and for that you’ll need to make your own. In this tutorial, I’ll show you just how easy it is to do.